
Journal Articles

Ni, M., & Zayas, V. (2023). Sexy social media photos disproportionately penalize female candidates' professional outcomes: Evidence of a sexual double standard. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology109, 104504. [link][osf]

Lee, R. T., Ni, M., Fang, W. M., Ravreby, I., & Zayas, V. (in press). An integrative framework for capturing emotion regulation in daily life. Affective Science. 

Puetz, V. B., & Ni, M. (2020). Active Partners in Learning: Motivating Students through a Choice-Based, Student-Led Seminar Series. Student Empowerment in Higher Education. Reflecting on Teaching Practice and Learner Engagement, 139. [pdf]

Working papers

Ni, M., Lee, R. T., & Zayas, V. (under review). The bittersweetness of self-representations: Cross-cultural insights that the self triggers both positive and negative implicit evaluations. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology.  

Ni, M., & Zayas, V. (under review). Beyond human: Non-human minds elicit both positive and negative implicit evaluations. [preprint]

Ni, M., & Zayas, V. (in prep.). The pervasiveness of the person implicit-bivalence effect: Even novel persons spontaneously elicit positive and negative implicit evaluations. (Writing Stage)

Zayas, V., Strycharz, S., & Ni, M. (under review). Preemptive buffering: Attachment figure representations lessen the affective sting of an upsetting memory recall by increasing positive affect. [preprint]