Hi, my name is Minghui

I am a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Psychology, Cornell University.

My research focuses on the fundamental psychological processes of human cognitions and attitudes, as well as how biases emerge in applied contexts.

In a basic line of research, I ask questions about how people mentally represent and evaluate various aspects of the environment, such as specific individuals in their network, social groups, and anthropomorphized non-human entities.

In a more applied line of research, I study how people make judgments and decisions that influence others’ professional outcomes, and how biases may emerge in subtle ways in professional selection processes. I also study how people react to sexism (i.e., whether they confront it, and if so, in what ways) and how the confronters are evaluated depending on their social identity and the method of confrontation.

In investigating these research questions, I adopt various research methods, incorporating self-reports, behavioral observations, and cognitive measures that tap into implicit and unconscious processes.